Folk music recoooolified by Kodály Spicy Jazz

2017. 02. 01.

Young, agile, cool and trending music is what Kodály Spicy Jazz starts its journey with by re-thinking folk songs Zoltán Kodály collected by 21st century standards. The band of four members first performs live after the release of their online album on the 23st of February in Muzikum Klub located in Budapest.

A few hundred years ago people used to express their feelings: joy, sorrow through folk songs. If there would have been any top lists at that time the songs pursuing it would have been about the same topics as today’s radio hits.: nostalgia, love, being happy, heartbreaks and letting go.

At the beginning of the 20th century Zoltán Kodály, the most influential agent of folk-music research and documentation re-popularized those songs. Now it’s time to make it possible for today’s youth to reconnect with such heritage of popular music and performance pieces through trending and creative 21st century platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Spotify or Deezer.

In Kodály Spicy Jazz’s debuting video an adaptation of Esti Dal is performed by the band. This song is one of the most known pieces of the Kodaly ouvre. Those who ever sang in a choir or attended music studies in school must have heard this wonderful folk song adaptation before.

Kodály Spicy Jazz: Esti dal (video)  

Key figure of Kodály Spicy Jazz is Cséry Zoltán who has experience in the jazz, pop-rock and even metal.

On the debut album of Kodály Spicy jazz three folk song adaptations take place which are known thanks to Kodály’s collecting work.: Esti dal, Felszállott a páva and Felülről fúj az őszi szél. The album is available on known services.

Debut appearance of Kodály Spicy Jazz is on the 23st of February starting at 21:00 in Muzikum Klub

Tickets are available previous to the show for 1200FT and 1500FT on the day of the performance.

Permanent members of Kodály Spicy Jazz.

Cséry Zoltán - keys (Patché, Subscribe, Kimnovak, Ganxsta Zolee és a Kartel, Special Providence, Kálloy-Molnár Péter, Neoton Jazz, Cotton Club Singers),

Görögh Dániel trumpet (Ladánybene 27, Kowalsky meg a Vega, PASO, Köles Eliza),

Szentgallay György – bass (Wildflowers Band, Kistehén, Tátrai Tibor, Cliff Moore, Szegedi Deák Big Band)

Köles Márk – percussion ( Pribojszki Mátyás Band, Budapest Jazz Orchestra, Török Ádám és a Mini Big Band, Kontor Band, Köles Eliza)

By the initiation of Music Fashion.