Sassy Girls with charming voice

2016. 04. 01.

Glamorous cheek, ’cheveux rouge’, kind and warm voice, danceable music, lyrics straight from a girl’s heart: This is Eliza!

Her name is worth to be remembered for the famous future predicted by professionals.

Hidden in every song lurks a story of the talented artist which comes alive through her astonishing voice in the style of jazz, funk and electroswing.

-       All of my songs are inspired by real stories or feelings. Everyone knows the Sassy Girl type woman who tricks man with sexy and kind gestures in a so kiss-curl way of manipulation that it’s impossible to be angry for it. I literary dreamed the lyrics, before I woke up at 3 am to write it down. My friend Jakab Frimmel helped me with the music of a electroswing and funky style absolutely fitting the lyrics. Visuals are also important to me so we made a video for the song ‘Sassy Girls’

Video of the song can be seen first on

First EP of Eliza was published by Music Fashion with the help of NKA and Cseh Tamás Program.